sl/unihertz OK, china.


Unihertz Titan, wet

I bought this phone to replace my BlackBerry Passport. Nagging complaints about the Passport included: short battery life, flaky Qi charging

2021.10.21 Update: Sold my Blackberry Key2 to maximize ROI before 4G calling is phased out by AT&T. Tried to use my backup iPhone for a couple of weeks. Noooooooope. Got a new Titan, now with Android 10. Many of the old quirks have been ironed out, but it's still Android.

2022.03.03 Update: AT&T has killed the Titan, so I sold mine. There is reportedly a (probably temporary) fix:

- the window will popup,
- select the option titled Phone Information
- Set Preferred Network Type
- For 4G/LTE select LTE only


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It's not at all perfect. The quirks page details some basic problems and workarounds.


crackberry, facebook, kickstarter, specs, teardown